From: demerphq Date: 16:53 on 02 Nov 2007 Subject: ppm Activestate has a nice gui for installing perl modules on a windows box. I use it when I'm on a computer that has no compiler (a hate in itself) and generally im happy with it. Except today. I was foolish enough to upgrade DBD::File before noticing that I should upgrade DBI. The problem being that DBI includes DBD::File, and since its a slightly older version than the one in DBI ppm refuses to upgrade DBI. Theres no way to force the upgrade and then upgrade DBD::File after. You have to remove DBD::File, then upgrade DBI, then upgrade DBD::File. Stupid hateful software.
From: demerphq Date: 16:56 on 02 Nov 2007 Subject: Re: ppm On Nov 2, 2007 5:53 PM, demerphq <> wrote: > Activestate has a nice gui for installing perl modules on a windows > box. I use it when I'm on a computer that has no compiler (a hate in > itself) and generally im happy with it. > > Except today. > > I was foolish enough to upgrade DBD::File before noticing that I > should upgrade DBI. > > The problem being that DBI includes DBD::File, and since its a > slightly older version than the one in DBI ppm refuses to upgrade DBI. > Theres no way to force the upgrade and then upgrade DBD::File after. > You have to remove DBD::File, then upgrade DBI, then upgrade > DBD::File. I lie. You cant upgrade DBD::File after install DBI, ppm wont let you. /grrrr
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